Week Review for December 15-19
Monday - Today we worked on our fairy tale stories in the library. Grade 2 students worked on their final assessment in Social Studies. At lunch time the grade 2 students also had their celebration feast. Thanks to all the parents who brought in all the yummy food. Students enjoyed tasting foods from around the world. In the afternoon we played a game called "Guess the Mass" and we had a special event during last period. Ms D. invited all her dance classes to the gym to perform the numbers they have been working on.
Tuesday - Today we started to look at capacity. Students enjoyed seeing what containers could hold the most water. Students also had a chance to share what they wanted to do over the holidays in their journals. In the afternoon we had our dress rehearsal for the concert.
Wednesday - Today we had our holiday concert in the morning. Students did such a great job. I hope all parents enjoyed it as much as I did :) After morning recess some students finished up some math while others started to work on creating a snowman from geometric shapes. We also decorated gingerbread cookies and enjoyed them during afternoon recess. After lunch we went to the library again to work on our fairy tales. We ended the day with learning more about capacity and filling a container with beans.
Thursday - In the morning we completed our mass and capacity assessment. At 10:15 we headed to the gym in our red and green for our sing-along. In the afternoon we had a special surprise from Ms. Cooper. We were all invited down to the gym to watch a movie. We watched the classic "Mary Poppins".
Friday - PA Day = No School
Week Review for January 6-10
Monday - Today was the first day back from winter break and students were introduced to our new friends the Quiet Critters. Students had a chance to share in their journals about their break. In math we started to learn about 2-D shapes and created some on geoboards. In the afternoon grade 2 students started to learn about simple machines and we also talked about how we will be doing weekly sharing.
Tuesday - Today we spoke about New Year resolutions and students started to make their own. In library students continued to work on their fairytales. Grade 2 students learned about inclined planes and in math students made snowflakes with pattern blocks.
Wednesday - Students continued to work on their New Years Resolutions and talked about their favourite winter activity in their journal. In drama students were split into three groups and are working to retell a fairytale. Grade 2 students in Science worked on a incline plane experiement. During math students made a shape book listing the attributes of each shape.
Thursday - Students continued to work on the fairytale drama retells. In art students were working on their snowmen from before the winter break. During literacy games students enjoyed competing against me in hangman. The theme today was winter words. In math students learned about polygons.
Friday - Students continued to work on the fairytale drama retells. In Math students needed to short 2-D shapes. Grade 2 students in health are now learning about healthy living and were starting to learn about the four food groups. Students ended the day with the list #14 spelling test.
Week Review for Janaury 13-17
Monday - Today we started our daily 5 and students were excited to start reading with me again. In math we continued on with 2-D geometry and were learning about the "7 magical shapes" also know as tangrams. We read a story and students had to solve puzzles using the 7 shapes. After lunch we went to the library to continue to work on fairy tales. Many students are finsihed and now have their published copy on our class website. In Science grade 2 students learned about levers. We also enjoyed Adnan and Gabriel's sharing time at the end of the day.
Tuesday - Started our day off with the Daily 5 and after recess students continued on their fairy tales in the library. In Science grade 2 students completed a lever experiment with a ruler as the bar, and eraser as the fulcrum and a penny as the load. The object was to see how high the penny can jump depending on where the fulcrum was placed. In math students continued to explore with the tangrams.
Wednesday - We started off with the Daily 5 and after recess students had gym. In journals today students had imagine what life would be like if they were a penguin. After lunch students continued to work on their fairy tale plays. In Science grade 2 students were learning about wedges and trying to finish up some work on leavers. In Math grade 1 students were looking for shapes in other shapes while grade 2 students were covering shapes with pattern blocks.
Thursday - We started off with the Daily 5 and after recess students made a piece of art with shapes. Grade 1 students made a robot and grade 2 students made a pattern with pattern blocks. After lunch students practiced their fairy tale plays and the had a chance to finish up unfinished work at the end of the day.
Friday - Once again we completed our Daily 5 and after recess students work on their math test. Some students finished, but many students will need to continue on Monday. In the afternoon I was downstairs in the gym completing our ECO waste audit so students had Ms. Omara as their supply teacher. In Health students were looking for items to sort into the 4 food groups. In Science students completed a wedge experiment. Students ended the day with a their list #15 spelling test.